What is a Life-Script?

Everyone lives by a Life-Script. A Script is formed usually between the ages of 4-7 years old; these are the “growth” years during which a child is most malleable. Whatever happens during these years, whether good or bad, forms a lasting impression in the child's mind and soul. A spider bite can turn into a lifelong phobia; a bullied child becomes a bully himself as a defense mechanism; a ridiculed fat child has no self esteem as an adult; and an abused child never trusts anyone. And even if nothing out of the ordinary happens during those years, children learn by imitating the adults around them and thus habits are formed that have their roots in the words and actions of their parents, teachers and other adult role models. A Life-Script is the blueprint by which we live our lives. For more information on this fascinating subject go to http://www.7stepstopersonalfulfillment.com/

Friday, January 25, 2008

When you want to rid yourself of monsters – DO NOT think of bunny rabbits!

A curious truth lies hidden in this statement. On the surface it seems to suggest that thinking of bunny rabbits is ludicrous when one is trying to fight monsters. Alas, just the opposite is true. Look at Melanie’s story, as portrayed in the Hallmark movie “The Good Witch”:

Melanie has nightmares every night since her mother died. She sees monsters everywhere – under her bed, hiding in the folds of the bedroom drapes, peeking into the window and they are suffocating her body and soul. Melanie’s Dad does not know what to do and how to help her. He is a police officer, so he tells his little girl that he would arrest the monsters if indeed he found any under her bed. Melanie just sighs and shakes her head: “Dad, you can’t arrest monsters – everyone knows that!” and resignedly shuts her eyes in anticipation of another disturbing night.

As it happens in this story, Melanie and her brother meet a new neighbor, a nice lady who has moved into an old – and haunted – house, as the children like to believe. It does not take long for the lady to be dubbed a “witch” – a Good Witch because she is nice, she talks to dogs and she seems to like children. Melanie knows that witches can cast spells, so she seeks out this lady and asks her for a spell to make the monsters go away.

The Good Witch does indeed cast a spell. She gives Melanie a gift, a small net to hang over her bed, which is said to have the power to catch all the bad dreams and let only the good ones through, and she tells her: “Melanie, listen to me – this is very important: When you go to sleep tonight, you MUST NOT think of bunny rabbits! You must remember this, so repeat it to yourself over and over again until you are sure to know not to think of bunny rabbits tonight!”

So Melanie goes to bed at night, clutching her dream catcher and saying over and over again “I must not think of bunny rabbits – I must not think of bunny rabbits” until drowsiness overcomes her and she falls asleep.

Next morning Melanie comes to the breakfast table red-eyed and still sleepy. Her Dad is instantly alarmed and asks her how she feels. Melanie looks at him with her big brown eyes and sighs – “I was not supposed to think of bunny rabbits last night to make the spell work, but all I dreamed of last night was bunny rabbits – I am so tired from running after them and trying to catch them in my dream…” Her very relieved Dad asks: “So, no monsters in your dreams last night?” Melanie’s expression brightens and a big smile comes over her face: “Oh Daddy – no monsters! Oh, it worked – the spell worked! She did it! She did it!” and she happily dances out of the room to get dressed for school.

Of course, there was no spell cast on Melanie by the Good Witch. She just applied a little wisdom to rid Melanie of her dream monsters, which is this:

The subconscious mind does not recognize the words NO, NOT, DO NOT, etc. All it recognizes is the command – in Melanie’s case to “think of bunny rabbits”. She substituted the unpleasant thoughts with pleasant ones. And by repeating this command over and over again, Melanie impressed it on her subconscious mind, and got what she asked for - pleasant dreams.

And so it is with you when you are trying to rid yourself of your kind of monsters, whatever they may be – financial problems, relationship issues, feelings of inadequacy, weight problems, etc.

As we already know from the Law of Attraction, what we think about most is what we attract. If you think of your troubles all the time, all you will get is more anxiety, more worries, more bills, more hardship. So, tonight, when you go to sleep, tell yourself NOT to think of a pleasant thought, and guess what – you too will be under the spell of the Good Witch!

Try it – I guarantee you that it will work for you!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Law of Attraction – what does it mean to you?

Ever since the book and movie “The Secret” came out, the world is buzzing with quotes and bits and pieces of wisdom from the book, gathered from discussions around the office water cooler or at cocktail parties. It’s the “In” thing to talk about the Law of Attraction.

For the still uninitiated, this law states that “what you put out is what you will get back”. In other words, think of yourself as a beacon and your thoughts, words, and deeds as a boomerang with magnifying powers. Have you ever thrown a boomerang? If so, you know that this curved little piece of wood will go just so far when you throw it, and then turn around in mid flight and come right back to you. Scary, isn’t it?

Whatever you say, think or do, whether good or bad, is broadcast to the Universe like a radio signal. A radio signal has a certain frequency and only those receivers that operate on the same frequency will be able to interpret it and convert it to sound for the human ear. The same thing happens with your thoughts, words and actions. They too have a frequency, a vibration that can only be picked up by those who are tuned in to the same frequency. And through the boomerang effect, a great number of the human receivers of your messages will respond to you in kind and you will get back what you sent out, only multiplied.

So, think about this. What would you like to have come back to you a thousand times bigger and stronger than when you sent it out? Do you want money? Then give some first. Do you want love? Spread some around, it’s easy. Do you want recognition, stature in life? How about recognizing others for what they have done, honoring them for their contributions? The words you say to them or the others about them will reverberate back to you giving you praise for your good deeds. It’s that simple. Recognize it and act on it and you’ll get what you want.

For more information on this fascinating concept read Chapter 6 of my book “7 Steps to Personal Fulfillment” at www.7stepstopersonalfulfillment.com .