What is a Life-Script?

Everyone lives by a Life-Script. A Script is formed usually between the ages of 4-7 years old; these are the “growth” years during which a child is most malleable. Whatever happens during these years, whether good or bad, forms a lasting impression in the child's mind and soul. A spider bite can turn into a lifelong phobia; a bullied child becomes a bully himself as a defense mechanism; a ridiculed fat child has no self esteem as an adult; and an abused child never trusts anyone. And even if nothing out of the ordinary happens during those years, children learn by imitating the adults around them and thus habits are formed that have their roots in the words and actions of their parents, teachers and other adult role models. A Life-Script is the blueprint by which we live our lives. For more information on this fascinating subject go to http://www.7stepstopersonalfulfillment.com/

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

7 Secret Steps to Living a Life of Happiness and Abundance

The DYSALA Method

I am often asked about the DYSALA Method – “Andrea, what does DYSALA mean? What does it have to do with happiness and living a life of abundance? Can I learn about the Seven Secret Steps and make a difference in my life?” Yes, you can! Everyone can apply the DYSALA method and become the master of his or her life!

While DYSALA is just an acronym for Discover Your Script And Live Again, the DYSALA method is a most powerful means of ridding yourself of the demons that have ruled your life. The DYSALA method is a proven, systematic way to help you sift through your emotions and the memories of a lifetime to identify the single, most significant event of your childhood that triggered your Script.

A Life-Script is the blueprint by which we live our lives. Everyone lives by a Script. A child is most susceptible between the ages of 4-7; these are the “growth” years during which a child is most impressionable. Whatever happens during these years, whether good or bad, forms a lasting impression in the child's mind and soul. A spider bite can turn into a lifelong phobia; a bullied child becomes a bully himself as a defense mechanism; a ridiculed fat child has no self esteem as an adult; and an abused child never trusts anyone.

And even if nothing out of the ordinary happens during those years, children learn by imitating the adults around them and thus habits are formed that have their roots in the words and actions of their parents, teachers and other adult role models.

Unfortunately, 95% or more of all Scripts are negative. The 7 Secret Steps of the DYSALA method show you how to conquer your negative Script and how to write yourself a New Script – a new blueprint for the life you want to live!

1. First, you have to understand how Life-Scripts are formed. The first Secret Step gives you a series of examples of negative Life-Scripts and how they were formed, so that you learn to appreciate the significant power they can hold over you. Once you are aware of this power, it is no longer invisible and you can start to fight it.

2. Second, you have to recognize how Life-Scripts can influence you in your life and how you in turn can influence others as a result of your Script. This is an important step in the DYSALA Method – see the pitfalls of a negative Life-Script and embrace the potential benefits of a positive one. This will give you the courage to proceed to the third Secret Step.

3. The third Secret Step is the discovery of your own Life-Script, which could be a very emotional and disturbing process. It is one thing to talk in abstracts and general terms involving Scripts of other people, but it is quite something else when you go through the discovery process yourself and zero in on happenings in your long lost past, which, unbeknownst to you, have lodged themselves in the deepest recesses of your subconscious. If they were painful events, you probably blocked them out completely from your conscious mind, never suspecting that they would grow to powerful Life-Scripts that ruled your life.

4. Naturally, the emotional stress of the discovery of your own Life-Script could be upsetting. A variety of methods are presented in the fourth Secret Step on how you could cope with this stress and build a solid foundation for the new life that lies ahead of you, one that is full of happiness and abundance!

5. This is where the fun begins. In the fifth Secret Step you get to write your New Life-Script. Dream big, paint your new life on a blank canvas with all the colors of the rainbow! Put everything on it, new material things if you like – a new car, a new house, a vacation place, a boat, travel, etc. Or paint new relationships, a new job, new ideas – fame and fortune, whatever you like. And when you see yourself living the life you painted on this canvas, you will know how to write your New Life-Script that will make your dreams come true.

6. In the sixth Secret Step you learn how to bring it all together. You discovered your old Life-Script, you wrote your New Life-Script and you painted the life you want. Now you get to put the structures in place that will anchor and secure you in your new life’s path: your belief system about love and relationships, sex, religion, money and finances, material wealth and spiritual wealth, etc.

7. And in the seventh and final Secret Step you will find a series of exercises that you should do daily to permanently imprint your New Script in you subconscious and secure your path to newfound happiness.

Follow my DYSALA Method of the Seven Secret Steps and live the life you have always wanted – a life full of happiness, personal fulfillment and abundance!

Enjoy your journey!

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